Why Study Space Engineering?
The M.Sc. in Space Engineering offers a world of opportunities. The space sector is actively seeking young professionals who possess not only excellent knowledge of space technology but also intercultural and interdisciplinary skills.
Career Paths
Graduates in space engineering can pursue diverse career paths, including roles in industry, research, management, academia, or a combination of these fields.
Typical Employers in the Space Sector:
- National and international space agencies (e.g. DLR, ESA, NASA)
- Large systems integrators (e.g. Airbus D&S, OHB, SpaceX)
- SMEs providing technologies and engineering services (e.g. Astro- und Feinwerktechnik, Berlin Space Technologies)
- Research organizations (e.g. Fraunhofer, Helmholtz Centres like GFZ)
- Universities (e.g. TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig)
- Service providers for e.g. launch, operations, mission planning (e.g. EXOLAUNCH, OKAPI, Valispace)
- Space application providers (LiveEO, Skywatch, Globalstar)
- Self-employment through funding (e.g. Astropreneurs, EXIST, ESA BIC, Copernicus, INNOspace)
- 87 % of MSE graduates find a position within the first 6 months after graduation.
- 70% of employed MSE graduates work in Germany.
- 68% of MSE students get a student job in the regional aerospace industry.
- 88% of employed MSE graduates work in the space sector.
- 71% of MSE graduates in the space sector work in the industry.
- 29% work in research.
- 24% of MSE students were employed by the organization that hosted their theses.
Space Jobs
Space engineering graduates can choose to work in a variety of positions. A few examples are systems engineer, project manager, subsystem engineer, researcher, assembly & test engineer, and operations engineer. Whether you want to work on satellites, launchers, planetary rovers, ground stations or else, the range of projects makes the space sector especially interesting. MSE students get a better feeling for their area of interest while getting exposure to different projects and experts during their studies.
The following websites provide insights and stories about typical jobs for space engineers:
- Overview of typical jobs by HE Space
- Interviews with people who have space-related jobs by Space Awareness
- Working at ESA
- Positions of some MSE alumni
The following websites provide current job opportunities in the space sector: