Bharat Aggarwal
Company Name: SatSure AG, Goldach, Switzerland
Position: VP – Products
At SatSure, we specialise in using satellite images to provide data analytics for decision making to different industry verticals like banking, insurance, infrastructure finance, and climate change mitigation. My role is to lead the design and development of products and solutions across these industry verticals. In this role, I build on the diverse knowledge that I gained from MSE, specifically in the areas of remote sensing, machine learning, and software development. TU-B gave me a great opportunity to learn through the main and elective courses.

Omar Arahams
Company Name: Rocket Factory, Augsburg, Germany
Position: Project Manager for Propulsion Systems
My responsibilities are project management of propulsion systems engineering development, propulsion system supply chain development, project management of additive manufacturing, supply chain process development, propulsion system manufacturing logic development, material development project management, internal resource for export control, internal resource for Missile Technology Control Regime, project management of Thrust Vector Control system.

Maharshi Bhattacharya
Company Name: Space Structures GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Process and Quality Assurance manager
I am currently working as the Product and Quality Assurance Manager at Space Structures GmbH. My responsibilities include monitoring compliance of processes to EN9001 and EN9100 norms, performance of internal and customer audits, development and maintenance of test and integration lab incl. tooling, machine and measurement device calibration, condition monitoring, inventory monitoring, preparation, performing and closing of multi-stakeholder board meetings, e.g.PDR/CDR/DRB/MPCB, QA control in documentation, NC management, inspection management, FMECA, etc.

Roshan Bhuyan
Company Name: OneMagnify, Detroit, USA
Position: Data Engineer
A Data Scientist with a background in Aerospace and Space Systems Engineering. I am now applying my analytical skills in Data Science to create machine learning models to solve business and human problems. Not only do I bring strong programming as well as analytical skills but also good public speaking and presentation abilities.

Laura Borella
Company Name: Redu Space Services, Transinne, Belgium
Position: Experiments Workpackage Manager for ESA
Currently, Dr. Borella is a work package manager at Redu Space Services for the ESA Academy Experiments programme coordinating with her team ground and space testing platforms. Additionally, she is a STEM Public Speaker, engaging with schools and educational events to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts.

Alexis Cabana-Loriaux
Company Name: Tower Research Capital
Position: Senior HFT Engineer
After graduating from MSE, I have worked in different fields, from satellite software development to consulting. I recently started as an HFT engineer at TRC, where I am responsible for the design and implementation of high-frequency trading systems in the financial sector. In this role, I am interested in optimizing both performance-critical code and infrastructure that physically connects to stock exchanges around the world.

Moitrayee Chakraborty
Company Name: Berlin Space Technologies GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Space Systems Engineer
My primary responsibilities include software development focussing on design and analysis of various satellite missions, development of technical concepts for model-based system design and finally development, testing, operations and documentation for an automation framework designed to streamline the proposal generation process. Additionally, I actively support marketing efforts through participation in trade-fairs and conferences.

Manuel Alejandro García Gutiérrez
Company Name: Reflex Aerospace, Berlin, Germany
Position: Satellite Structure Mechanical Designer
I am currently working in the Mechanical Design Department at Reflex. There, I am responsible for designing the primary and secondary structures for the satellites.
I am currently responsible for evaluating the capabilities of different CAD design software that allow to speed up the mechanical design process that aligns with the Reflex’s vision of creating a satellite in less of 12 months.

Priyank Ghatge
Company Name: DSI Datensicherheit GmbH, Stuhr, Germany
Position: FPGA Development Engineer
I am working on firmware design and development of very high-speed data processing systems. My company specializes in cryptography systems for space-borne and ground support equipment. My task involves the design and verification of FPGA-based reconfigurable designs for data security. I am involved in the development of embedded systems which requires hardware-software co-design of FPGAs and microprocessors.

Hariharan Gunasekar
Company Name: Q.ANT GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
Position: Mixed Signal Designer
I’m working with the group Atomic Gyroscope. Our team is building a Gyroscope for satellite application. I work in designing the electronics and qualifying the system for space.

Tanish Islam
Company Name: airplus GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Systems Engineer in 5G Software
Tanish is primarily involved in Software Development and Systems Engineering for the Private 5G Open Radio Access Network base-station software (Open RAN), RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) and xApps, which are the core products of airpuls. His work is intertwined with the ongoing development of 6G with a trajectory towards Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs), keeping practical implications in mind. For this, he requires a solid understanding of Radio Communication, Operating Systems, Software Development, Systems Architecture and User Experience as the baseline and a highly nuanced understanding of the 3GPP stack, especially RAN. Tanish is also involved in promoting technical awareness and developing use-cases for industrial and scientific research applications. He is part of the collaborative effort, “6G – Made in Germany”, supported by Federal Entities and Startup Incubators.

Milind Jayesh Divya Jani
Company Name: Rapid Cubes GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Satellite Electronics Engineer
My main responsibilities in the company is to design, develop and test electronics for different subsystems for nano-satellites. I am currently involved in AIT related activity for OOV-CUBE satellite which is in collaboration with TU Berlin that is expected to fly on Ariane 6 maiden flight in early 2024. I also develop flight software for different payloads which will be flying on-board the OOV-CUBE satellite.

Connor Jonas
Company Name: EXOLAUNCH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Mission Director
My main responsibilities are launch campaign management of international customers; development, ordering, assembly, integration and test of CubeSats, microsats, and their deployment systems; creating and maintaining documentation for external and internal use; rapid prototyping of satellite components.

Luís Lança
Company Name: Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Project engineer, SW management, Systems engineer
Responsible for the development life cycle management of a satellite ACS actuator equipment embedded SW including. The job role activities include SW development management, product assurance, configuration management and systems engineering allocated to SW as well as hands-on support to all development core processes.

Monish Mathur
Company Name: EnduroSat, Sofia Bulgaria
Position: Space systems Engineer
After graduating from TU Berlin, I started my career as a Space systems engineer at Endurosat. My primary focus is on Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS) engineering. My daily tasks are diverse, encompassing satellite design and ADCS simulations. One of my key responsibilities is assessing the performance of various satellite missions using simulation models. I am also actively involved in ADCS development, from procuring sensors and actuators from third-party suppliers to their integration into our satellites. The MSE course of TU Berlin has been instrumental in shaping my career, providing me with the knowledge and skills needed to manage a variety of projects at Endurosat. I’ve worked on designing systems for small CubeSatellites like 3U and taken on larger projects like ESPA class satellites.

Nikhil More
Company Name: Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany
Position: Lead Systems Engineer for ATHENA-WFI
I am currently working as the Lead Systems Engineer for the WFI (Wide Field Imager) payload on the ATHENA space mission. ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics) is an L-class mission under the Cosmic Vision Planning Cycle of the European Space Agency (ESA) and is scheduled to be operational in the next decade. In this role, and as a member of the ATHENA-WFI project office, I am responsible for overseeing requirements flow down, system modeling, system architecture, and the overall coordination of the engineering efforts of the ATHENA-WFI team to ensure the successful completion of all project milestones. My expertise is in scientific instrumentation for space and astronomy applications.

Jeeva Nantham
Company Name: CGI Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany
Position: Integration Verification & Validation Engineer
Based on Test Specifications and the limitations of the satellite component versions to be tested I develop Test Procedures to cover Integration Testing and Verification Testing. I raise concerns where the required tests don’t seem feasible. I use the Linux test environment taking advantage of network analysis tools and scripting to ease and automate testing.
My area of activities includes the following tasks on EUMETSAT’s MTG satellite:
- Integration Testing
- Verication Testing
- Test Procedure Development and formal Execution
- Formal Reporting of Results to the Verication Control Team
- Troubleshooting and root cause analysis of system problems

Vinayak Nair
Company Name: LiveEO GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Position: Remote Sensing Engineer

Eriko Nasser
Company Name: Space Technology Center, LAPAN- National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Position: Chief Engineer
I am currently working in Space technology Center, LAPAN- National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia as a chief engineer for a project of LEO Equatorial Constellation Satellite. My activities in recent years are involved in the development of satellites with an early warning and disaster management mission to collect all sensors related to early warning systems such as tsunami buoy, tidal, and earthquake. This satellite is expected to improve efficiency in disaster management and can be used as a vessel and air traffic monitoring using Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADSB) space-based technology.

Tym Pakulski
Company Name: Cern, Geneva, Switzerland
Position: Researcher
Since finishing MSE I’ve been working at CERN on CO2 cooling systems for particle detectors. My work is a mix of systems engineering, thermofluid modeling, mechanical design and laboratory research, and builds directly on experience I gained during my master’s thesis. The systems engineering skills I developed on MSE to handle the space environment have also translated well to high-energy physics, where we have to guarantee reliability in a challenging thermal environment complicated by vacuum, radiation and magnetic fields.

Jaehong Park
Company Name: UNASTELLA Corporation, Seoul, Korea
Position: CEO
Jaehong Park holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University, South Korea, and a Master’s degree in Space Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin. He has extensive experience in the system design of space launch vehicles, as well as the design, manufacturing, and validation of launch vehicle engines, having worked at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Vitzro Nextech, and Perigee Aerospace. In 2022, he founded UNASTELLA Corporation, where he is focused on developing small-scale space launch vehicles.

Saad Rayees
Company Name: UP42, Berlin, Germany
Position: Technical Documentation Engineer
I help see the world better! I work with satellite (and aerial) data providers to help the geospatial community better access, understand and analyze geospatial data. I bring my knowledge of satellite operations, remote sensing, and sensor processing to help UP42 to elevate geospatial data standardization and accessibility. As part of our mission, we work with Airbus Defence and Space, Capella Space, Satellogic, 21AT, ICEYE, and other providers ranging from around the globe.

Rachana Reddy
Company Name: Reflex Aerospace, Berlin, Germany
Position: Space Engineer & Podcaster
As a Software Architect, I am involved in the design and development of onboard data handling architectures and ground control software concepts for 300-500 Kg class satellite platforms. In my spare time, I host a podcast series called Those Space People that features casual cosmic conversations with people working on all things space.

Adrian Ricardez
Company Name: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Hamburg, Germany
Position: Researcher
After my job as a rover developer at DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, I moved to the Maintenance and Overhaul institute (MO) in Hamburg. My work is mainly based on robotics development for aircrafts. ROS2 and other software modules are connected to make algorithms more robust and intelligent using visual processing, inverse kinematics, simulations, among others. I work mainly on the FuTaMa2 (Fuel Tank Maintenance) robotic arm project for process automation, currently performing sensor fusion of RGB-depth cameras and 6 DoF controllers.

Eduardo Rodrigues Silva Filho
Company Name: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Position: PhD candidate
I am pursuing a Ph.D. with the aim of developing and validating techniques for synchronization and navigation of multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites. I am currently participating in a feasibility study related to my research topic on the scope of an ESA’s Earth Explorer mission.

Yaquelin M. Rosas-Ortiz
Company Name: German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany
Position: Researcher
Since graduating from MSE, Yaqui has been working as a research engineer on various space mission projects at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin, currently as Project Manager Deputy for the VERITAS NASA’S mission to Venus. Previously, Yaquelin has contributed to ESA’s EnVision mission (also an orbiter mission to Venus) on its study phase by leading a proposal including requirements consolidation, trade-off analysis, conceptual designing, and planning development. Last but not least, she collaborated on the DLR contribution to the L-class JUICE mission on AVIT activities during its final commissioning phase.

Debdeep Roychowdhury
Company Name: Chair of Space Technology, TU Berlin, Germany
Position: GNC/AOCS Engineer
I have been working on the NanoFF mission since phase B, which will demonstrate both manual and autonomous close proximity formation flight, particularly the passively safe Helix orbit utilizing a resistojet propulsion system. My contributions include general mission operations, deployment strategy, GNC/AOCS algorithm development, sensor and actuator testing, autonomous formation flight operations, and relative GNSS positioning. Additionally, I am engaged in GNC feasibility studies for the planned follow-up mission, NanoR&D, which aims to demonstrate rendezvous and docking using CubeSats.

Valerio Scherini
Company Name: Exolaunch, Berlin, Germany
Position: Mission Manager
I support our satellite customers from project kickoff all the way through to launch. My tasks include compiling and reviewing documentation, interfacing with our launch service providers, supporting our customers during environmental testing, and performing launch site integration. With our top-of-the-line microsatellite separation systems and CubeSat deployers, my team and I work hard to provide our customers with a smooth and successful ride to space.

Shayna Slobin
Company Name: Airbus Defense and Space Gmbh, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Position: Mechanical Development Engineer

Widya Roza
Company Name: Space technology Center, LAPAN-BRIN, Indonesia
Position: Senior engineer – Payload data transmission and Payload data handling
I’m currently working in Space technology Center, LAPAN-BRIN, Indonesia as a senior engineer for a project of high resolution multispectral remote sensing microsatellite. My activities in recent years are involved in the development of payload data handing and satellite payload data transmission systems including testing satellite transmission systems to ground stations, measuring the performance of transmission devices carried by satellites including transmitters, receivers, filters, and antennas.

Sara Santos
Company Name: Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Position: Research Assistant and PhD candidate in Material Sciences and Technology
The focus of my PhD is on additive manufacturing and in-situ resource utilisation on Mars. I am also working in a research project on fibre composites for reinforced concrete.

Nick Smith
Company Name: The MITRE Corporation, Melrose, Massachusetts, United States
Position: Communication Systems Engineer
I work on development of an airborne satellite communications terminal. I use model based systems engineering to build models, conduct analyses, and provide recommendations in support of planning and decision-making.

Shrishail Subhash Raut
Company Name: German research center for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
Position: Phd candidate
I am working in the German Research Foundation (DFG) project “NextGNSS4GGOS” – Next-generation GNSS constellations for GGOS-compliant geodetic solutions at section 1.1 ‘Space Geodetic Techniques’ GFZ Potsdam. My main responsibilities include assessing the benefits of next-generation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (NextGNSS) constellations for key geodetic products such as the global terrestrial reference frame (TRF), the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), and the Earth’s gravity, all of them meeting the requirements defined by the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS).

Andi Tandy
Company Name: FEV, Aachen, Germany
Position: Development Engineer
FEV is an Engineering service provider based in Germany and have its subsidiaries all across the world. Automotive projects are the main core of what people do in FEV. I work here as a Software Developer to develop an Engine Control Unit (ECU) software as well as testing it. I am also doing the implementation of the Fixed-point arithmetic in a floating point software. For those work I use a proprietary tool such as ASCET and TPT.

Neils Edison Vilchez Lagos
Company Name: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru
Position: University Lecturer
I am invested in satellite system miniaturization and scientific exploration in space, particularly through the CubeSat platform. I participate as a Satellite Electronics and Embedded Software Engineer in research endeavors within the Institute for Radioastronomy (INRAS PUCP). I am involved in projects related to the development and analysis of payloads, such as space tethers and miniaturized high-resolution microscopes.